Pecker Expected Back On The Stand As Trump Trial Resumes


Donald Trump’s New York criminal trial resumes this morning at 9:30 a.m. Prosecutors are expected to continue questioning former tabloid executive David Pecker, who will then be cross-examined by Donald Trump’s lawyers.

What to know

  • Prosecutors were working through questioning David Pecker on Monday and Tuesday. They had outlined how he, Michael Cohen, and Trump developed a “catch and kill” scheme ahead of the 2016 election. Pecker would act as the campaign’s “eyes and ears” in tabloidland, identify negative stories, and work with Cohen to suppress them.
  • Pecker testified that he assumed, throughout, that Cohen was working with him to do his boss’s bidding.
  • Pecker’s story stopped just before Stormy Daniels came onto the scene. That may be where we pick up today.
  • Judge Juan Merchan also held a hearing Tuesday on whether to hold Trump in contempt for violations of the case’s gag order. He may rule on that today or tomorrow.


Donald Trump’s New York criminal trial resumes this morning at 9:30 a.m. Prosecutors are expected to continue questioning former tabloid executive David Pecker, who will then be cross-examined by Donald Trump’s lawyers.

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