Correspondents Dinner Host Colin Jost Roasts Donald Trump On Trial, Riffs On Joe Biden’s Age


Colin Jost, the featured entertainer at this year’s White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner, went all in on Donald Trump and his legal troubles, got in a few zingers about Joe Biden’s age and finished his gig by telling a long story of how the president is a “decent” man.

Some of Jost’s jokes didn’t land in the room, but he did well when he framed the 2024 election race,

“Let me see if I can summarize where this race stands at this moment,” Jost said. “The Republican candidate for president owe s half a billion in fines for bank fraud and is currently spending his days farting himself awake during a porn star hush money trial and the race is tied?!”

“The race is tied. Nothing makes sense anymore. The candidate who is a New York City playboy took abortion rights away, and the guy who is trying to give your abortion rights back is an 80-year-old Catholic. How does that make sense?”

He went on, “By the way, President Biden — isn’t it crazy that he’s only our second Catholic president? And what’s even crazier is that in just a few short months, we will have our third in RFK Jr.”

Biden smiled and clapped.

Jost added, “I’m kidding. Like his vaccine card said, he doesn’t have a shot.”

More to come.

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