Mike ‘The Situation’ Sorrentino Is ‘Having the Time of His Life’ in Prison, Snooki Says


Almost three months into his eight-month sentence, Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino is making the most of his time in prison.

According to his Jersey Shore costar Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi, Sorrentino is “having the time of his life.”

“It’s like he’s in a senior home,” Polizzi, 31, told E! News in an interview at her store, The Snooki Shop. “He’s playing Bingo, he’s helping people recover in jail.”

“We all talk to him through an email, so I talk to him like once a week,” she continued. “He’s in the gym a lot, so he’s probably gonna come out ripped. You know, he’s not gonna be BDS anymore — Big Daddy Sitch — he’s [probably] gonna have his six-pack again. But he’s doing … he’s doing good in there.”

RELATED: Jersey Shore‘s Mike ‘The Situation’ Sorrentino Shares His Final Moments Before Entering Prison



Sorrentino, 36, and his brother Marc were indicted in September 2014 for tax offenses and conspiring to defraud the United States after allegedly failing to properly pay taxes on $8.9 million in income from 2010 to 2012. In April 2017, both men were indicted on additional charges including tax evasion, structuring and falsifying records.

Sorrentino pled guilty to one count of tax evasion in January 2018, and his brother Marc pled guilty to one count of aiding in the preparation of a false and fraudulent tax return. In October 2018, Sorrentino was sentenced to eight months in prison and two years of supervised release, and Marc was sentenced to two years.



Sorrentino was also ordered to complete 500 hours of community service and was given $123,913 in restitution, which he has already paid, plus a fine of $10,000.

The reality star reported to the Otisville Federal Correctional Institution in Otisville, New York on Jan. 15.

RELATED: Inside the Prison Where Mike Sorrentino Is Serving Time — Alongside Trump Lawyer Michael Cohen

Two days later, Sorrentino’s wife Lauren shared an update with fans via his Twitter account, revealing that her husband was “doing great” since beginning his sentence.

“Hi Everyone, it’s Lauren. Mike would like to thank all of his fans worldwide for the unbelievable outpouring of love & support,” she tweeted.

“We speak everyday & he’s doing great,” she continued. “He’s received thousands of letters, he won’t be able to respond to everyone but wanted to express his gratitude to each and everyone of you. Thank you from the both of us; it is truly heartwarming to have this support during this time. Lots of Love, Michael & Lauren Sorrentino.”

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