Northwestern Announces Full-Ride Scholarships for Palestinian Students – Twitchy


We’ve been hearing a lot about university administrators “negotiating” with pro-Hamas students who’ve built encampments on campus and refuse to let Jewish students enter. Columbia released a statement announcing that negotiations had broken down and that protesters would be given a 2 p.m. deadline to clear out or face consequences. (As far as we’ve seen, the encampment at Columbia is still there — the university announced it would not be calling the NYPD again for assistance.)

National Review is reporting that Northwestern University has reached a deal with the Hamas sympathizers, including the creation of faculty jobs for Palestinian academics and full-ride scholarships for Palestinian students. Terrorism works.

We’re not sure what Northwestern’s getting out of this deal, but they’re giving up an awful lot. National Review reports:

After five days of anti-Israel demonstrators occupying Deering Meadow on Northwestern University’s campus, Northwestern president Michael Schill and the rest of the university’s leadership decided to accede to several of the protesters’ demands.

Most notable among those concessions is a promise to offer full-ride scholarships to Palestinian students and guaranteed faculty jobs for Palestinian academics.

“The University will support visiting Palestinian faculty and students at risk (funding two faculty per year for two years; and providing full cost of attendance for five Palestinian undergraduates to attend Northwestern for the duration of their undergraduate careers),” the document reads. “The University commits to fundraise to sustain this program beyond this current commitment.”

Northwestern will also provide a “house for MENA/Muslim students” and will “advise employers not to rescind job offers for students engaging in speech protected by the First Amendment.”


So all of this over a five-day encampment?

We wonder what the new Palestinian professors will be teaching.

Northwestern really bent the knee. How any of these concessions help the Palestinians we’re not sure. We thought this was about genocide, not scholarships.


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