110+ Useful Podcasting Statistics in 2024 (Facts and Trends)


110+ Useful Podcasting Statistics in 2024 (Facts and Trends)

Key Podcasting Statistics

  1. Presently, over two million active podcasts exist. This large number gives users varieties and the liberty to listen to over 48 million podcast episodes.
  2. Approximately 500,000 podcasts were only available just three years ago. This proves that podcasts have increased as more people venture into the niche and listeners tune in.
  3. In 2018, 64% of Americans knew what a podcast was. This figure has increased to 78% as more Americans know about podcasts due to rising interest and demand.
  4. 59% of podcast users spend more time listening to several podcasts than on social media. This is huge! Social media is a big deal in this era, yet more than half of podcast users spend more time listening than on social media.
  5. 69% of listeners confirm that podcast Ads introduced them to new services or products. Podcast ads are also relevant since some listeners learn about new products through them.
  6. 38% of listeners have completed a purchase mentioned in a podcast. So, podcast ads sometimes convert to successful sales.
  7. In the US, three out of every four podcast listeners tune in to learn new things. Podcasts are quite educative and an avenue for listeners to learn new things. Three out of four listeners in the US always tune in to learn new things.
  8. 32% of Americans listen to podcasts monthly, and some Americans only tune in to podcasts monthly. This might be because some people get information from other media, such as the Internet.

General Podcasting Statistics

General Podcasting Statistics

9. 90% of US listeners enjoy podcast service from home. Some listeners prefer listening to podcasts from the comfort of their homes, probably with a coffee or snack to unwind.

10. Seven out of ten listeners give their full attention to podcasts. Most listeners do not want to be disturbed when listening to podcasts, so they pay rapt attention. These listeners hope to gather vital information relevant to their interests.

11. 59% of podcast listeners tune in while doing house chores. Some other listeners prefer to multitask and listen to their favorite podcasts while doing some chores.

12. 50% of listeners tune in while cooking or baking. Although cooking requires much attention, it does not stop some listeners from tuning in to enjoy their favorite podcasts.

13. The global record for hours spent listening to podcasts hit 15 billion in 2021. This is a notable increase compared to the 12 billion hours record from 2019.

14. Over one-quarter of listeners will choose podcasts over other audio content. Some listeners prefer podcasts over other audio channels such as AM/FM radio, Spotify, and YouTube.

15. 32% of people discover new podcasts through online research or word-of-mouth adverts. Most podcast listeners discover new and interesting content while surfing the internet. Also, recommendations from other people are another source that attracts more listeners to a podcast.

16. Podcast listener statistics reveal that those who listen to podcasts are more active across social media channels. For instance, 94% of podcast listeners are active on at least one social media channel.

17. Podcast listener data shows that the distribution of podcast listeners is changing. The data reveals that the categories of podcast listeners have changed over the years as interest and popularity have increased.

Podcast Statistics by Country

Stats by Country

18. South Korea is at the top of the world population in podcast adoption. 53% of South Koreans have listened to a podcast in the last month.

19. 47.9% of podcast listeners live in the United States. Almost half of podcast listeners are US residents. This confirms that US residents are big fans of podcasts.

20. 7% of US listeners tune in to podcasts every day, and some listeners tune in daily. These listeners derive satisfaction from engaging with podcasts daily.

21. 8% of listeners tune in weekly. For some listeners, tuning in every week is enough time for them to enjoy podcasts.

22. The Latino Podcast Listener-Report confirms a growing audience for Spanish podcasts. This implies that more Spanish listeners are joining the podcast fans captured by this report.

23. The recorded number of monthly podcast listeners in the 55+ demographics in the US has increased by 18%. This increase occurred between 2020 and 2021, confirming the rising popularity of podcasts in the US.

24. 28% of Canadian respondents claim to have listened to a podcast recently, suggesting that some Canadian residents are interested in podcasts.

25. 5% of the total podcast listeners are Canadian. This also confirms that Canada is a hot zone of interest for podcast lovers.

26. 33% of Australians tuned in to a podcast in the past month. Australians are not left out; they also listen to podcasts at least once a month.

27. Podcast listener statistics reveal that 91% of Australians know about podcasts. So, most Australians might have previously listened to a podcast and know it exists.

28. Podcast awareness rose by 4% from the previous year. As more listeners become enlightened, podcast awareness in Australia has increased in the past year.

29. 30% of Italians have listened to a podcast in the last month. Italy also has many podcast followers who tune in monthly to enjoy their favorite podcasts.

30. Half of Italians aged between 18 and 34 have been consistent podcast listeners in the past twelve months. This particular group of listeners has been actively listening to podcasts over the past year.

31. Most of Italy’s podcast listeners prefer music programs over other content. So, Italians have a soft spot for music and prefer it over other podcast content.

Podcast Demographic Statistics

Demographic Stats

32. Over 50% of Americans in the 12-34 age bracket are monthly podcast listeners. These listeners listen at least once every month.

33. The percentage of Americans listening to monthly podcasts grew by 18% between 2020 and 2021. This confirms rising interest from listeners for podcast content in this region over the years.

34. One-third of US students aged 12 and above are regular podcast listeners. US residents seem to love podcasts the most. However, those 12 and above are regular listeners.

35. 57% of podcast listeners in the United States are white. Also, 13% are African American, 16% Hispanic, and 4% are Asian. This confirms that white people listen to podcasts the most in the US.

36. One-fifth of listeners in the US are over 65 years old. Older folks also love podcasts and can spend quality time tuning in to their favorite content.

37. Over 66% of podcast listeners have a college degreeThis implies that most listeners are well-educated folks and probably listen to learn more or unwind.

38. The average annual income of podcast listeners is $75,000 or above for each household. So, most podcast fans are probably comfortable to some extent, which gives them time to discover interesting content they love.

39. 50% of US homes claim to be active podcast fans. So, most US homes enjoy podcasts, although the frequency of tuning in will likely vary from one home to another.

40. In 2019, 51% of the US population had listened to a podcast. The percentage has risen to 55%, confirming that more individuals are now aware of podcasts.

Listener Behavior, Trends, and Vital Stats

41. More than 16 million people in the US are devoted podcast fans. These impressive figures continue to increase daily, and these individuals are hooked on podcasts.

42. 51% of podcast listeners are males. Males have a slight edge of 1% over females in listening to podcasts.

43. The 35-54-year age bracket has the highest percentage (40%) of podcast listeners. People in this category listen to podcasts the most, probably because they find relatable content.

44. 49% of podcast listening worldwide takes place at home. Most listeners prefer to listen to their favorite podcasts from the comfort of their homes. Sometimes, the noisy environment outside makes listeners prefer to tune in from home.

45. 22% of podcast listeners tune in while driving. Who says you can’t enjoy podcasts on the go? Some listeners tune in to their favorite podcasts while navigating the city.

46. On average, podcast listeners listen to seven different shows on seven separate days. Variety is the spice of life. Some podcast listeners prefer to mix things up and listen to different shows in one week.

47. According to an Edison survey, 75% of people who do not listen to podcasts say the platform was not a great fit for them. These individuals prefer other forms of content over podcasts; hence, they avoid such audio content.

48. 79.9% of users listen to podcasts on the moveThese listeners make it a part of their routine to tune in to podcasts while in transit, perhaps making their journey less stressful or fun.

49. 58.9% of users listen in their free time. Not everyone is a multitasker. So, almost 60% of listeners prefer to enjoy podcasts in their free time to give them sufficient attention.

Podcast Production Statistics

Podcast Production Statistics

50. This is the top-ranked microphone brand used by podcasters in RODE. 19% of podcasters rely on this brand due to its quality and clarity of sound.

51. Blue Microphones’ Blue Yeti is the most popular microphone model among 17% of podcasters. 17% of podcasters rely on the Blue Yeti microphone, which is also quite popular among content creators.

52. 35% of podcasts use a dynamic microphone, 33% use a USB mic, and 29% use a condenser mic for their podcasts. The preferred choice of microphone is down to the user involved. However, these three types are the most reliable options for podcasters. 

53. 36% of podcasters use a pop filter, while 265 rely on a foam windscreen. These fittings help protect the microphone from damage and protect the users from microphone disease.

54. 74% of podcasters record with headphones on, while the rest choose not to. This means that most podcasters love feedback, to hear the quality of their audio production in real-time.

55. 67% of podcasters use software for recording shows on their computers. Some examples are Audacity and Audition. These programs produce better output for listeners.

56. Blubrry ranks as one of the most popular podcast hosting platforms. This platform is also handy for analytics and fixing network errors that could arise.

57. 48% of podcasters use Audacity to edit and fix errors on their podcasts. Almost half of podcasters rely on Audacity to fix errors and improve their output.

58. Adobe Audition is the second most popular podcast editing software. Perhaps because it is an Adobe product, most podcasters rely on it to fix bugs and errors.

59. All podcast users rely on an RSS feed to deliver the original podcast to their audience. This feed gives current information on the podcasts to keep listeners informed.

Average Podcast Length Frequency and Scheduling Statistics

Average Podcast Length Frequency and Scheduling Statistics

60. 38% of podcasters publish a new episode on their hosting platform within three to seven days. The publishing frequency varies but does not exceed a week for these podcasters.

61. 39% of podcasters publish an episode every eight to fourteen days. These podcasters publish less frequently but post content within eight days and a fortnight.

62. The average podcast length is between 25 and 30 minutes. People have short attention spans, so lengthy podcasts might not be the answer. Also, short podcasts might leave listeners yearning for more. Therefore, most podcasts range between 25 and 30 minutes on average.

63. 40% of podcast listeners discover new podcasts on directories. These listening apps help listeners select the program best suited to their preferences.

64. 18.3% of listeners ask their close contacts for podcast recommendations. Most people trust the judgment of their close circle and conform to their preferences. So, they will ask their close contacts to recommend good podcasts.

65. Apple Podcasts are the most popular podcast directory and chart available. Apple is a trusted brand worldwide, so most users rely on their podcast directory and chart to make their choices.

66. 47% of users claim to listen to podcasts within 24 hours of downloading. These users listen to podcasts without much delay, which could be because they are interested in the content shared.

67. A regular podcast is downloaded 141 times within the first month. Most podcasts will record over 100 downloads from users within the first month. These statistics cut across all podcast categories.

68. The most common podcast publishing frequency is 8 to 14 days (39%). This posting schedule works for most podcasters.

Podcasting Genre Statistics

Podcasting Genre Statistics

69. Comedy is the most popular genre among podcasts in the US (22%). News is second at 921%, followed by real crimes (18%) and sports (17%).

70. Podcasters in the 30-44 age group have interesting preferences. Seven percent listen to sports podcasts daily, while 12 percent tune in weekly.

71. 6% of males tune in to sports podcasts daily. However, no female listeners were recorded in the sports category.

72. 7% of listeners rely on podcasts as their daily news source. These listeners prefer podcasts over other news media to keep in touch with current events.

73. The Joe Rogan Experience is Spotify’s most popular comedy podcast in 2020. Most listeners tune in to comedy to unwind, and the Joe Rogan Experience podcast topped the Spotify chart in 2020.

74. Almost 72% of listeners have paid attention to an Ad during a podcast. Therefore, most listeners may pay attention to Ads to discover what it is all about.

75. 58% of listeners would skip through Ad podcasts if they could. These listeners prefer spending time on the content that makes them tune in. So, they might regard Ads as annoying and intrusive.

76. Ted Talks Daily and The Daily are the second most popular podcasts on the Spotify podcast app. Because they are news-related, they attract the interest of news lovers who rely on podcasts.

Podcast Ad Statistics

Podcast Ad Statistics 

77. 32% of marketers run adverts on podcasts. Some marketers rely on podcasts to promote their products and services to the public, and these adverts convert to sales for some marketers.

78. 54% of users are likely to consider a brand when they discover it during a podcast. Most listeners associated the positive feelings from the podcasts with the products advertised.

79. The average cost of a podcast Ad spot ranges between $10 and $50. Running an Ad on a podcast is affordable since it is below $100. However, this cost varies based on the podcaster.

80. Podcast advertising leads to a 14% increase in potential customers’ purchase intent, making a business more visible.

81. 58% of listeners claim to listen to between 76% and 100% of downloaded podcasts. Over half of the podcast listeners are active and listen to their downloaded content.

82. 21.7% of podcast fans subscribe to over 70 different podcasts. Most fans enjoy variety and explore podcast options to access entertaining content.

83. Advertising on a political podcast will likely increase sales by 14%. Most people are interested in political events, making these podcasts vital for advertising products and services.

84. 63% of marketers will prefer that podcast hosts read their ads. Podcast hosts reading out Ads personalize the experience and will likely attract their fans to test the product offered.

85. 35% like the host to read their Ads. Also, another 35% prefer that the podcast owner read their ads, probably for familiarity’s sake.

86. A quarter of listeners would gladly pay for an ad-free podcast subscription service if they could. Ads bring in revenue, so podcasters hold them in high esteem. However, if given a choice to pay, most listeners will gladly do so for an ad-free podcast.

Podcast Revenue Statistics

Podcast Revenue Statistics

87. Podcast revenue from Ads was projected to increase by 35% in 2021. 2024, the revenue will increase even further as more hosts launch their podcasts.

88. Podcasts are estimated to generate revenue of $4.02 billion by the end of 2024. This implies that the sector will continue to expand and include more innovations.

89. 90% of podcast listeners believe that Ads are effective. These Ads have a way of sticking to their memories, which could eventually translate to a successful sale for most companies.

90. According to estimates, Podcasts in the US will surpass the $2 billion mark in 2024. US residents are big fans of podcasts, and their engagement with them is projected to bring in approximately $2 billion in revenue in 2024.

91. Marketers are projected to spend $2.74 billion in 2025. Due to the lucrative returns they realize each year, marketers will spend more on ads featured on podcasts.

92. In 2019, iHeart Media generated $3.68 billion. This sales representation firm raked in amazing revenue in 2019, showing the endless possibilities for marketers.

93. Spotify generated $7.57 million in 2019 as revenue. Also, in 2022, they recorded a revenue of $12.36 million.

94. Direct response Ads are the most successful ad campaigns run for podcasts. They are responsible for more than 50% of all podcast revenue.

95. Brand awareness-boosting Ads rank as the second most popular category. These Ads bring in a 42% share of the podcasting revenue share, which is quite impressive.

Podcaster Growth Statistics

Podcaster Growth Stats

96. US podcast Ad spending will likely increase by 38.7% annually. More companies will invest in podcast Ads each year, with a steady increase projected yearly.

97. Music streaming service Spotify has spent nearly $900 million in podcast-related purchases. Spotify spends so much to boost its quality and revenue share.

98. Direct response and brand awareness-boosting ads made up 96% of the ad revenue in the US in 2019. So, these two Ad models bring in the highest revenue for marketers.

99. Podcasters can make up to $800,000 per episode. This massive profit shows how much listeners engage with podcasts, which is quite lucrative.

100. 98% of all podcasters agree that high-quality content is important. So, most podcasters agree that podcasts’ quality is crucial to their success.

101. The current number of podcast listeners who are residents of the United States could increase to 100 million by 2024. The US leads in podcast stats, with the number of listeners projected to increase to 100 million in 2024.

102. Over half of all digital audio listeners now join podcasts each month. This is a new trend confirming the growing popularity of podcasts.

103. The time adults spend listening to podcasts is projected to increase by 8.1%, or above 44 minutes daily. So, more users, especially adult listeners, are spending time on podcasts.

Additional Podcast Statistics

Additional Stats

104. Mobile app podcast listeners are more likely to listen to the end of a podcast than those listening with a web browser. Mobile users often listen to the end of podcast content compared to those engaging with a web browser.

105. More than eight in ten users spend more than seven hours each week listening to podcasts. This means that most users engage with podcasts for longer periods. Fewer fans listen to podcasts for less than seven hours per week.

106. More than one-quarter of podcast listeners spend over 22 hours each week listening to podcasts. This translates to around three hours each day in a week spent listening to podcasts.

107. The average podcast user listens to about seven shows weekly. Also, listeners subscribe to at least six shows on average.

108. The most preferred time for podcast listeners is between 10 am and 3 pm. This timeframe records many listeners since this is likely their active hours in the day.

109. 59% of US listeners prefer branded podcasts from their favorite company and long-form scripted fiction. These users identify with podcasts from their favorite brands and scripted fiction in long form with storytelling over several episodes. Maybe the thrill of a developing story appeals to these users.

110. Over half of monthly podcast listeners have full-time jobs. So, working does not limit podcast fans from tuning in to their favorite shows, sometimes even at work.

111. Podcast listener statistics reveal that 65% of people listen to the entire episode. Some listeners could stop at some point without listening to the entire content. However, most listeners chose to finish the entire episode and get the full details.

The Future of Podcasting Statistics

Future Stats

112. Smartphones are the main channel for listening to podcasts. 54% of listeners use Apple smartphones, while 43% use Android smartphones.

113. Statista reveals that Spotify (25%), Apple Podcasts (20%), and Google Podcasts are the top apps and platforms for podcast listeners. This ranking is based on user preference and engagement with these platforms. 

114. The podcast sector enjoys a yearly growth rate of 20%. That is quite impressive and might increase in the coming years.

115. Podcast listeners will exceed 144 million by the end of 2025. More listeners will tune in to podcasts, with a massive surge expected by the end of 2025.


Podcasts’ fun, entertaining, and educative nature will more likely keep them relevant in the coming years. You can easily host your podcast to enjoy a share of the revenue. Also, podcast marketing is quite effective and attracts a large audience of respondents. These statistics provide proof that podcasts command massive interest from fans worldwide. The facts and stats above provide insights that could help a podcaster capture and retain listeners’ interest and loyalty.


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