Introducing “See How They Run,” a New “Nation” Podcast on the 2024 Horse Race


Hosted by editor D.D. Guttenplan, the weekly show will be your guidebook to this year’s election cycle—for the left, from the left, on the most important election of our lifetime.

See How They Run Podcast Logo

See How They Run podcast logo.

Contact: Caitlin Graf, The Nation, press [at], 212-209-5400

New York, NY—June 1, 2024—The Nation, America’s leading source of progressive politics and culture, today announced the launch of See How They Run hosted by Nation editor in chief D.D. Guttenplan. A natural addition to our existing roster of provocative political programming, the new weekly podcast will be devoted to this year’s momentous election cycle and feature a rotating cast of Nation columnists, writers, and contributors, plus pollsters, election experts, and special guests dissecting the high highs and low lows of the campaign trail. Challenging conventional wisdom, See How They Run will pursue a greater understanding of the figures and forces behind what has repeatedly and emphatically been deemed the most critical American election of our lifetimes.

“Every week in The Nation we run terrific, in-depth, sophisticated analysis of news, culture, and politics,” explains host Guttenplan. “But on See How They Run we’re going to try something a little different. Instead of avoiding the kind of obsessive attention to polls and punditry so often derided as ‘horserace coverage’ by political scientists and high-minded commentators, we’re going to lean into all of it. Think of it as horserace coverage—from the left.”

The first two episodes, out today, feature Waleed Shahid, the former communications director of Justice Democrats and a member of The Nation’s editorial board, who has been a driving force behind the “Uncommitted” movement to protest the Biden administration’s unconditional support for Israel’s war on Gaza; James Zogby, the founder and president of the Arab American Institute and a former member of the executive committee of the Democratic National Committee, who has thoughts on Biden’s electoral prospects; Nation national affairs correspondent John Nichols on the Republican Party’s transformation into a wholly owned subsidiary of the Trump Organization; and academic and author Jeff Sharlet on the epochal intersection of Christian nationalism, evangelical churches, and Trumpism.

Listen to Episode 1: “Where Does the Uncommitted Movement Go From Here?

Listen to Episode 2: “How Trump Swallowed the GOP Whole

Forthcoming episodes of See How They Run will feature Nation regulars—Elie Mystal, Joan Walsh, Jeet Heer, Chris Lehmann, Sasha Abramsky, Steve Phillips—and surprise guests. The Nation will also present a special live, recorded event for See How They Run this fall. New episodes air every Saturday. Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts, and check out our other regular programming and limited-run series at

See How They Run is the latest addition to The Nation’s award-winning roster of podcast programming covering politics, sports, culture, economics, technology, foreign policy, and the courts. These include The Nation’s flagship weekly news program, Start Making Sense, with contributing editor Jon Wiener; The Time of Monsters with national-affairs correspondent Jeet Heer; American Prestige, with cohosts Daniel Bessner and Derek Davison; Edge of Sports, with sports editor Dave Zirin; and Tech Won’t Save Us, with host Paris Marx. Limited-run podcast series include Contempt of Court, with justice correspondent and columnist Elie Mystal; Going for Broke, with veteran journalist Ray Suarez; Next Left, with national-affairs correspondent John Nichols; More Than Enough, with host Mia Birdsong; and System Check, with cohosts Melissa Harris-Perry and Dorian Warren.

For interview requests or further information, please see contact information above.

Current Issue

Cover of May 2024 Issue

ABOUT: D.D. Guttenplan (@ddguttenplan) is editor of The Nation. A self-confessed “election junkie,” he previously covered the 2016 election as the magazine’s editor at large and, for two decades before that, was part of its London bureau. He is the author, most recently, of The Next Republic: The Rise of a New Radical Majority and The Nation: A Biography (The First 150 Years).

The former editor in chief of the London-based Jewish Quarterly, Guttenplan is producer of the acclaimed documentary film Edward Said: The Last Interview and wrote and presented War, Lies, and Audiotape, a radio documentary for the BBC about the origins of the Vietnam War. A former education correspondent for the International Herald Tribune, former columnist for New York Newsday, and former senior editor at The Village Voice, his essays and reporting have appeared in The Atlantic, The Economist, The Guardian, Haaretz, Harper’s Magazine, the London Review of Books, The New York Times, and the Times Literary Supplement.

Founded by abolitionists in 1865, The Nation has chronicled the breadth and depth of political and cultural life, from the debut of the telegraph to the rise of Twitter, serving as a critical, independent, and progressive voice in American journalism.

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Big Nation announcements and select interview clips. For media inquiries, booking requests or further information, please contact:

Caitlin Graf, VP, Communications, The Nation

press [at] / 212-209-5400

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