Why Writing by Hand Is Better for Memory and Learning

February 21, 20246 min readWhy Writing by Hand Is Better for Memory and LearningEngaging the fine motor system to produce letters by hand has positive effects on learning and memoryBy

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Quantum computing breakthrough could happen with just hundreds, not millions, of qubits using new error-correction system

Quantum computers that are more powerful than the fastest supercomputers could be closer than experts have predicted, researchers from startup Nord Quantique argue. That's because the company has built an individual

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NASA Uses Small Engine to Enhance Sustainable Jet Research

Located inside a high-tech NASA laboratory in Cleveland is something you could almost miss at first glance: a small-scale, fully operational jet engine to test new technology that could make

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What Was the Largest Wave Ever Recorded?

As the quest for bigger and more thrilling waves continues, certain destinations around the world have become known for record-breaking swells. Each location has its unique geological and oceanographic conditions

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Peter Higgs – the man who changed our view of the Universe

The renowned scientist came up with revolutionary ideas in the 1960s, sparking a 50-year search for evidence. Source link

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Antarctica’s Terror Bird Was an Apex Predator of the Eocene Epoch

The terror bird — an extinct group of carnivorous birds that once dominated the current territory of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Uruguay after the extinction of dinosaurs — persisted between

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Can science find ways to ease loneliness?

The health risks of social isolation and loneliness are inspiring government action and a hunt for effective interventions Source link

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‘Waving Goodbye’: How do you cope with the death of a spouse?

Warren Kozak used to wonder whether he had a personality defect because he rarely if ever cried. Kozak was very close to his grandmother, and when she died suddenly, he

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The Latest Online Culture War Is Humans vs. Algorithms

Brands and bots are barred from Spread, and, like PI.FYI, the platform doesn’t support ads. Instead of working to maximize time-on-site, Rogers’ primary metrics for success will be indicators of

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Rapidly Spreading Virus Threatens Health of Cacao Trees, Researchers Say

The cacao swollen shoot virus disease is among the most economically damaging diseases of cacao trees and accounts for almost 15-50% of harvest losses in Ghana. This virus is transmitted

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