FDA Reviews MDMA Therapy for PTSD, Citing Health Risks and Study Flaws

The Food and Drug Administration on Friday raised concerns about the health effects of MDMA as a treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder, citing flaws in a company’s studies that could

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How to focus with a short attention span

Editor’s Note: Sign up for CNN’s Stress, But Less newsletter. Our six-part mindfulness guide will inform and inspire you to reduce stress while learning how to harness it. CNN  — 

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Enmeshment and How To Break Free

<img src='https://www.health.com/thmb/VSEXzZUYMMAmcoVCcSvtrusRkIY=/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():format(jpeg)/health-enmeshment-GettyImages-1497490420-c7443227bcb14496a254bdec1c0de294.jpg' alt='StockPlanets / Getty Images' title="enmeshed family going to therapy"> StockPlanets / Getty Images Medically reviewed by Kira Graves, PhDMedically reviewed by Kira Graves, PhDEnmeshment is a term for

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Verizon is bringing back unlimited data

Verizon (VZ) is bringing back an unlimited data plan. Starting Monday, Verizon customers can get unlimited data, talk and text for $80. The company says the new introductory plan also

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4 Types of Gen AI Risk and How to Mitigate Them

Many organizations are understandably hesitant to adopt gen AI applications, citing concerns about privacy and security threats, copyright infringement, the possibility of bias and discrimination in its outputs, and other

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Britain’s government slides into chaos

By BAGEHOTNOBODY CAN accuse Theresa May of an unwillingness to repeat herself. The woman who said, again and again, that “Brexit means Brexit” is now telling Britain that her version

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Washington Post Editor Sally Buzbee to Step Down

Will Lewis, the chief executive of The Washington Post, has set about remaking the top ranks of the newspaper since his appointment to the job last year. In April, The

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OPEC Plans a Gradual Unwinding of Production Cuts

When officials from major oil-producing countries met on Sunday, they had a tricky task before them: To reassure shaky markets that they would continue to restrain oil supplies.The group known

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UC Irvine rolls to 17-7 victory over Tulane in elimination game at Corvallis Regional

CORVALLIS, Ore. (AP) — UC Irvine had six different players drive in runs in the first five innings and the Anteaters avoided elimination with a 17-7 romp over Tulane on

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Plot Twist

Washington State has a law barring convicted felons from appearing on the ballot. Source link

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