Climate Doomsday Alarmists at AP Remind Us Nuclear Power Can ‘Come at a High Price’ – Twitchy


When it comes to helping the Left push man-made climate change alarmism, few media outlets work harder than the Associated Press. Here are just a couple of recent examples:

“Big transformations” are needed fast? Does that include nuclear? It appears the AP is willing to pump the fearmongering brakes when it comes to that particular solution:

They’re worried about the cost now? Legit LOL! The AP probably doesn’t even flinch when they hear Bernie Sanders pitch “green” ideas that would cost $30 trillion or more.


Isn’t it strange how that works?

Much of the Left doesn’t want nuclear solutions, and it has everything to do with $$$ and nothing about safety, cost or anything else.

We’ve already died from climate change on at least a dozen different occasions so there’s no time to waste… again.

You can’t make this stuff up. If only the AP didn’t make it so incredibly obvious.

Here’s a reminder that when reading any AP story about a climate change-related issue, remember that the “reporting” is often bought and paid for, so follow the money:

The Associated Press said Tuesday that it is assigning more than two dozen journalists across the world to cover climate issues, in the news organization’s largest single expansion paid for through philanthropic grants. 

The announcement illustrates how philanthropy has swiftly become an important new funding source for journalism — at the AP and elsewhere — at a time when the industry’s financial outlook has been otherwise bleak. 

The AP’s new team, with journalists based in Africa, Brazil, India and the United States, will focus on climate change’s impact on agriculture, migration, urban planning, the economy, culture and other areas. Data, text and visual journalists are included, along with the capacity to collaborate with other newsrooms, said Julie Pace, senior vice president and executive editor.

The AP is paid propaganda and almost all of their stories on climate change (and most others for that matter) should contain disclaimers.

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